July 1, 2005
Bucharest Historic City Centre Revitalisation
On June 29th an extensive event took place on account of Bucharest’s Municipality – Centre for Urban and Metropolitan Planning -, Pro Patrimonio Foundation and The Romanian Order of Architects. It started with the Urban Exhibition showed at "Hanul cu Tei" – Galeria "ArTei" Complex and continued at "Amsterdam Grand Café" with a press conference and a seminar on "Bucharest’s Historic Centre Revitalisation".

The agenda of the seminar included a debate on the aspects related to Bucharest’s historic centre revitalisation/rehabilitation and was structured in three modules:
- Use of EU fonds for urban revitalisation projects
- Revitalisation strategies: Action Plan assertion
- Various revitalisation plans presentation
IHS Romania srl was invited to contribute to the second module of the seminar, bringing into discussion elements of the management plan generated by the social and economic change of statute of the area within the city, as well as elements related to the integrated revitalisation of the Historic Centre. This presentation sinthetises the studies elaborated by IHS Romania in 2002-2004:
- Urban Marketing Study for Bucharest Historic Centre – Lipscani Area
- Area Urban Plan, Historic Centre
- Stage 1: Development Strategy
- Stage 2: Action Plan for the Pilot Area
File not found: /srv/www/ihs-romania.ro/data/html/dld/lipscani/management_plan_EN.ppt Management Plan
File not found: /srv/www/ihs-romania.ro/data/html/dld/lipscani/2002_marketing_lipscani_en.pdf Urban Marketing Study
File not found: /srv/www/ihs-romania.ro/data/html/dld/lipscani/2003_strategia_lipscani_en.pdf Stage 1: Development Strategy
File not found: /srv/www/ihs-romania.ro/data/html/dld/lipscani/2003_plan_actiune_lipscani_A_en.pdf Stage 2: Action Plan for the Pilot Area
- Dec. 19, 2016 Workshop on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Bacau County for the period 2009-2021
- Nov. 2, 2016 Workshop on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Bacau County for the period 2009-2021
- Sept. 22, 2016 Integrated Urban Development Strategy (SIDU) for Brasov Metropolitan Area
- Sept. 15, 2016 Update the Sustainable Development Strategy of Bacau County for the period 2009-2021
- May 27, 2016 Course for local government in Myanmar
- May 15, 2016 Toolkit development for secondary cities in SA
- May 9, 2016 Post graduated diploma course on Local Economic Development, IHS Rotterdam
- April 14, 2016 SMART Mobility Event – Bucharest North Business District
- April 1, 2016 Training on SMART Cities in Armenia
- Jan. 22, 2016 New Europe City Makers Pre-Summit – February 4-5, 2016
- Jan. 22, 2016 Eutropian Open Call – February 15, 2016
- Jan. 13, 2016 Reception of The Netherlands Ambassador
- Dec. 18, 2015 CAESAR Forum – Romania in 3D
- Dec. 18, 2015 International Conference “Decentralization: the path towards modernization of Moldova”
- Dec. 16, 2015 Final conference “Support for coordinating the implementation of the Ploieşti Growth Pole Integrated Development Plan”
- Nov. 27, 2015 Case Study: Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam
- Aug. 20, 2015 Inception workshop of the UNDP/GEF Project “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into Moldova’s territorial planning policies and land use practices” – Chisinau, Moldova Republic
- Aug. 6, 2015 Conference: Common Strategy for Sustainable Territorial Development of the Cross-border Area Romania-Bulgaria – Next Steps
- July 20, 2015 Arhitectura magazine, no. 2, release – Union of Romanian Architects Headquarters
- July 10, 2015 Training workshop
- June 8, 2015 Moldova 2030 Forum
- March 31, 2015 Water – a way of life
- March 8, 2015 Integrated Planning and Urban Strategies in Rotterdam
- Nov. 21, 2014 Romanian National Strategy for Territorial Development – closing conference
- Sept. 11, 2014 20 years of urban management
- Aug. 12, 2014 Urban General Plan of Ungheni city (Moldova Republic) – Development Strategy
- July 31, 2014 Alba County Development Strategy for 2014-2020
- May 27, 2014 Bucharest Metropolitan Field Trip
- April 11, 2014 Public debates: Alba County Strategy
- April 2, 2014 Urban regeneration: conservation areas
- March 28, 2014 Public debate: Calimanesti Strategy
- March 25, 2014 Conference “Preparing 2014-2020 – Case studies, problems, solutions, opportunities”
- Feb. 21, 2014 TMT Georgia
- Dec. 14, 2008 Cost - Benefit Analysis
- Dec. 12, 2008 Refresher Course ”Meeting Demand: Capital Investment Programmes: A vital element of municipal financial management in selected Central and Eastern European Countries”, Tirana, Albania
- Nov. 30, 2008 Finalization of the technical assistance to Ploiesti and Timisoara growth poles for the elaboration of Integrated Urban Development Plans (ROP axis 1), within the PPF project, implemented by WYG International
- Nov. 28, 2008 Participation in the Symposium “Tools for Urban Rehabilitation in Romania – experience gained and first proposals for a national rehabilitation strategy”, Sibiu
- Nov. 6, 2008 IHS Romania participation in the World Urban Forum 4, Nanjing, China
- May 22, 2008 Approval of Tourist Marketing Strategy – Oradea Historic Centre
- May 15, 2008 Certification of the capacity to develop research activities
- Dec. 29, 2005 MATRA BCD: Project Completed
- Dec. 5, 2005 MATRAbcd Newsletters
- Nov. 30, 2005 Training course ”Regional planning and structural funds”
- Nov. 15, 2005 Metropolitan Cooperation Initiatives in Romania
- Nov. 11, 2005 A new release of the e-course on ”Decentralisation and Local Empowerment” within the Matra BCD Project
- Nov. 4, 2005 The Chamber of Commerce and Industries Romania hosted the International Forum for Investments on 27-29 October 2005
- Oct. 19, 2005 Public Asset Management
- Sept. 26, 2005 Ensuring Quality in Training – A New Approach and Challenge for Training Institutions
- Aug. 11, 2005 10 years from the first Romanian graduates of IHS Rotterdam training programmes
- July 1, 2005 Bucharest Historic City Centre Revitalisation
- June 6, 2005 Housing Sector Study for the European Investment Bank
- June 3, 2005 Matra BCD: Building Operational Capacity for a Decentralised Government in Romania
- June 1, 2005 IHS ROMANIA website launched